Studio Update – Boris Would Understand

Progress on the album, Marbles Considered Lost, has been fantastic! There are five separate projects in motion. I’m currently wrapping up the final touches on this instrumental: Boris Would Understand (referencing Boris Blank of Yello). A strange and wonderful song with plenty of twists and turns. I’m expecting to publish Boris along with Cabin In The Woods sometime in the next two weeks. The other projects in motion are: Magnitude (80% complete); a new version of an old song from the 1997 album Gyroscope, Monster (40% complete); a rock-driven story-style song, and The Cinderblock Boy (25% complete); a slow, emotional song about heartache.


Studio Update – Puzzled By Tricks and Lies

I’m well into this song.  What began as an attempt to create a quiet song has twisted into having more of a jazz club sound.  The chorus asks; “If I swapped a copy of you, 1-for-1 with everyone in the world,  would it be a better place?  Or would it all crumble and decay?”  The bass guitar is a fantastic digital emulator (Halion Sonic SE) of an upright.  I’m in love.  This last weekend I recorded a final version of the lead guitar (Yang).  I’m super excited by the song’s smooth groove.  Great atmosphere.  I need to fill in the background vocals in the chorus, but have very little else to record.  I’m hoping to get into post-production soon.  Side note: I’ve taken a few steps towards re-recording the song Phobiac (from the album, “Gyroscope“).  I had planned to work on Signing The Scripture, but am too intimidated by the scope of work it would take.

Please help me out by letting people know about The Jason Fables music.


Studio Update – Signing Your Scripture

Gyroscope Cover

This song was originally written for my second album, Gyroscope, in the late-nineties.  I have begun re-constructing the background elements in preparation of recording new audio tracks.  I’ve always loved the silky nature of this humble song.  This will be the second track from Gyroscope that I’m re-recording, the first being Sandstone Fossil Fear.  So far, I have most of the percussion components in place through the first third of the song.  The scope of the project is both intimidating and exhilarating.

Studio Update – The Richest Man

The Richest Man Cover

Progress on the percussion continues in fits and spurts.  I finally went back and began to flesh out the rhythm guitar part.  I’m using Yang at the moment;  my Fender Stratocaster from the late 80’s.  I’ve already found a few killer vocal harmonies, but haven’t recorded anything yet.  I’m spending a little time today working on a “reboot” of a song called Signing Your Scripture from the album Gyroscope.  I need to get back into the habit of working on more than one project at a time.  I get much more accomplished.  I’m going hiking into the mountains today.  I’m hoping to get some good footage for this song’s video.  Enjoy. Peace. Jason.

My Fender Sratocaster Guitar
My Fender Sratocaster Guitar