Today is day 300 of my 300-day challenge. The album is complete. The files have been sent to Catapult for publishing. The album versions of these songs have gone through an additional round of production, which has really upgraded the quality of the recordings compared to their Single versions. Buy the entire album! It contains additional audio content, and lots of little cookies hidden within. A lyric book comes with the album at Apple Music. It will start appearing in all major music services in 2-5 days. Here’s the song order (with links to the Single versions):
- Just Mostly
- Optimism Cash
- Fraught with Precision
- Go Figure it Out
- Lean into the Wind
- The Opportunist
- Inside Out Smiles
- Under the Towers of Chicago
- My Haunted Apartment
- 100 Years into the Future
- The Outer Rim
- This Captain’s End