Baring Lake

Baring Lake Cover

from the in-progress album, The Reluctant Cannonball.

Please spread the word and buy The Jason Fables music.  Music for the interested.


River Glen Records2016

Studio Update – The Richest Man

The Richest Man Cover

Productivity has been terrible.  I’ve been playing around with different configurations of vocal harmonies; very uninspired so far.  The overall mix is too quiet and washed out in too much compression.  It will take a thousand more adjustments to get it right.  In the meantime, I’ve been trying to decide just what song will be the next focus.  Brass Tacks is the most likely; it currently consists of an introductory groove with background vocals and a harder-sounding verse with vocals.  I recently listened to Miles by Now, which is a strange little partial song written a year or so ago.  The arrangement is already a third completed.    It wouldn’t take a huge effort to push that forward.  If only I had twenty more hours per week.

Please spread the word and buy The Jason Fables music.  Music for the interested.


River Glen Records

Studio Update – The Richest Man

The Richest Man Cover

Disappointing week.  I’ve been struggling with the background vocals.  I just can’t seem to find a way to add them without sacrificing some other element in the song.  The plan now is to scale back the number of harmony parts, limiting them to just the chorus and bridges.  A few days ago I captured another round of lead vocal takes which I’m tentatively calling final.  They’re good; strong presence, good enunciation.  I’ll end up editing them a thousand more times before I’m done, but I don’t expect to need any further recordings.  This song keeps growing on me.  I’m excited to have it nearing completion.

Please help out by spreading the word and buying The Jason Fables music.  Music for the interested.

Studio Update – The Richest Man

The Richest Man Cover

The guitar came together nicely last week.  Go Yang!  It came out with a good character and tight on the delicate rhythm.  Focus has now shifted over to the vocals.  I’m decided on the arrangement; a primary lead vox, a second lead vox to sit in the background, and two harmony parts.  Typical J.Fables 3-part harmonies through the chorus.  I’d be surprised if I get any of the final vocal recordings this weekend, it will likely be spent practicing.

Please help me out by spreading the word and buying The Jason Fables music.

Studio Update – The Richest Man

The Richest Man Cover

The bass guitar was finalized early last week.  Since then I’ve returned to the original guitar part; a tight and quick rhythm part with a bouncing delay.  I’m using Yang, as I do for almost all rhythm based guitar parts.  I polished up and restrung it recently, so it is feeling great to play.  This part is going to take a ton of rehearsal.  I’ve been at it all week and am hopeful that I can finalize this weekend.  Once that is done, it will only be the vocal parts to record before starting into the final stages of production.  I’m thinking that I better get something going for this song’s video soon.

My Fender Stratocaster Guitar

Studio Update – Signing Your Scripture

Gyroscope Cover

This song was originally written for my second album, Gyroscope, in the late-nineties.  I have begun re-constructing the background elements in preparation of recording new audio tracks.  I’ve always loved the silky nature of this humble song.  This will be the second track from Gyroscope that I’m re-recording, the first being Sandstone Fossil Fear.  So far, I have most of the percussion components in place through the first third of the song.  The scope of the project is both intimidating and exhilarating.

Studio Update – The Richest Man

The last week was spent developing the bass line.  I’m using my go-to bass, The Purple Master, an Ibanez Roadstar II from the 1980s.  The trick here is to add a richer low end without stepping on the synth pad in the background.  The true character of this song is based around that synth.  I’m planning on recording the bass today, which would make it the first of the final takes.

My Ibanez Roadstar II Bass
My Ibanez Roadstar II Bass